Rules Reference

(base on balls)
Definition of "base on balls"
5.05(a)(5) Home run
5.05(a)(6) Ground-rule double, part 1
5.05(a)(7) Ground-rule double, part 2
5.05(a)(8) Bounding ball deflected out of play
5.05(a)(9) Fly ball deflected out of play
5.05(b) Batter awarded first base when
5.05(b)(1) Base on balls
5.05(b)(2) Batter touched by pitched ball
5.05(b)(3) Defensive ("catcher's") interference
5.05(b)(4) Interference by umpire or runner
5.05(a)(4) Interference by umpire or runner
5.06(b) Advancing bases
5.06(b)(3) One-base awards
5.06(b)(4) 2-, 3-, and 4-base awards
5.06(b)(4)(A) Home run; ball deflected by thrown article
5.06(b)(4)(B) Fair ball deliberately touched with cap or equipment
5.06(b)(4)(C) Fair ball touched by thrown glove
5.06(b)(4)(D) Thrown ball deliberately touced with cap or equipment
5.06(b)(4)(E) Thrown ball touched by thrown glove
5.06(b)(4)(F) Fair ball out of play, or lodged in fence, etc.
5.06(b)(4)(G) Thrown ball out of play, or lodged in fence, etc.
5.06(b)(4)(H) Pitched ball goes out of play
5.06(b)(4)(I) Ball lodges in catcher/umpire gear on ball four/strike three
6.01(g) Interference on steal of home
6.02(a) Balks
6.01(h) Obstruction
6.01(e) Spectator interference